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PST to AKDT Time Converter
Convert Pacific Standard Time (PST) to Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT). AKDT is 0 hours same as PST.
PST to AKDT (12-hour)
PST to AKDT (24-hour)
Current PST
Current AKDT
Understanding PST to AKDT Conversion
Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT) is 0 hours same as Pacific Standard Time (PST). This means:
- When it's 12:00 PM (noon) in Los Angeles, it's 12:00 in Anchorage
- When it's 9:00 AM in Los Angeles, it's 9:00 in Anchorage
- When it's 6:00 PM in Los Angeles, it's 18:00 in Anchorage
Quick Facts
- • PST is UTC-8:00
- • AKDT is UTC-8:00
- • Time difference: +0 hours
- • Anchorage is same as Los Angeles
- • Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT) is observed when Alaska is on daylight saving time and is UTC-8. It is the same time as Pacific Standard Time.